Pajhwok Afghan News

Karzai, Nabil welcome progress in Taliban-US talks

KABUL and the US and urged ceasefire to end the ongoing bloodshed in the war-ravaged country.

The former president, who often criticizes US polices, was quoted in a statement from his office that peace and stability in Afghanistan was its top priority and demand.

He urged the warning parties to continue their peace talks and simultaneously bring a halt to the long-running conflict.

Karzai said peace in Afghanistan could be established if peace talks among the Afghans resulted in an agreement. He said the peace talks should result into a united Afghanistan and could preserve the national unity, dignity and independence of the country.

Separately, a statement from Rahmatullah Nabil’s office also welcomed recent progress in talks with the Taliban in Qatar.

Nabil, a former spymaster who heads the Mehwar-i-Mardum Afghanistan party, said peace was the Afghan people’s major demand and his party would work for peace as per the honor and wishes of the people of Afghanistan.

The United States special envoy for reconciliation in Afghanistan held six days of talks with Taliban representatives in Qatar and hailed ‘significant progress’ in finding a solution to end the war-torn nation’s long-running conflict.

“Meetings here (Doha) were more productive than they have been in the past. We made significant progress on vital issues,” ZalmayKhalilzad tweeted after talks lasting six days with Taliban representatives in the capital of Qatar.

However, he added: “We have a number of issues left to work out. Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, and “everything” must include an intra-Afghan dialogue and comprehensive ceasefire.”


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