Pajhwok Afghan News

Poverty stops Daikundi siblings from attending school

NEILI (Pajhwok): A displaced family in central Daikundi says severe drought snatched from people all their belongings in Khadir district and forced them to send their children to work instead of school.

The poverty-stricken seven-member family currently lives in a desert on the outskirts of Neili, the capital of Daikundi.

Yousuf Ali, the family’s head, told Pajhwok Afghan News, “I am badly sick, my feet and back ache, I have no money for my treatment, and am tired of this situation, I do not know anyone to help me.”

He said they had a good life in Khadir district but drought pushed them into extreme poverty and difficulties that he could hardly manage to feed his family.

“It is a serious trouble to find food for my wife, our three sons and two daughters, we don’t have even quilts to protect ourselves from cold or firewood to keep ourselves warm and food to eat,” he said.

Ruqia, mother of the family, said she was worried about their life and future of their children who were deprived of education since a year. She said they had no income source.

“We had a good life and four of my children would go to school in our district, but here after displacement our economic situation turned bad,” she said.

Omaid, 13, a boy in the family, said he strong desired to study but his father was unable to find a job to help meet their needs. He asked Daikundi local administration and people to help his family.

Eight years old Abdul is another boy of the family who sleeps at their neighbor’s house when weather gets seriously cold. He also has a strong interest in study but his family lacks resources to take him to school.

He wants to become a doctor in future and help his family but he is disappointed and says he feared he would end up becoming a shepherd due to their bad economic situation.

The family asks the local administration, well-off people, charity organizations and officials concerned to pay attention to their situation and help their children resume education.


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