Pajhwok Afghan News

Direct talks with Taliban could happen in 2 weeks: Govt

KABUL militants through an inclusive 15-member delegation and the talks could happen within next two weeks.

A statement from the newly-created Ministry of Peace Affairs said preparations for holding the talks were underway and the direct talks were expected to take place in next two weeks.

It said discussions and consultations were underway to finalize the 15-member delegation that would represent the government in talks with the Taliban.

The delegation would include some of the individuals who recently held talks with insurgents in Doha besides religious scholars, women activists and members of other walks of life.

However, the Taliban, who have so far steadfastly refused to speak to the government of President Ashraf Ghani, have so far said nothing in this regard.

The development comes as US peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad continues a visit to Kabul, where he has spent several days meeting with Ghani and US officials.

He is expected to fly to Doha at some point next week for what would be an eighth round of direct US-Taliban talks.

The two foes claim they are making progress in reaching a deal that would end America’s nearly 18-year military involvement in Afghanistan. Any deal, however, requires the Taliban to talk to Kabul.


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