Pajhwok Afghan News

Avoid demagogic speeches, Senate tells candidates

KABUL members on Tuesday denounced Sunday’s attack on the office of Afghanistan’s Green Trend party in Kabul and urged presidential election candidates to avoid demagogic comments during their campaign rallies.

The presidential election campaigns began across the country on last Sunday and will last two months.

Eighteen individuals including Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah are in the run for the September 28 election.

Abdul Wahab Erfani, an upper house member, asked presidential candidates to stay away from demagogic slangs during electioneering and try to work hard for the ‘national unity’. He added electioneering should be done based on the country’s laws.

Anar Kali Honyar, another senator, told today’s session that the ongoing electioneering should proceed in a democratic way and should strengthen the national unity.

She said the electioneering should be based on reality not on giving manipulative speeches to public. “The candidates should try to present real programs.”

Gulalai Akbari, another senator from northeastern Badakhshan province, said: “The candidates should run their electioneering based principles and election law and should not fuel tribal issues in order to win people’s vote.”

She said youths made the majority of voters and they would cast their votes to a candidate based on programs.

The Senate also condemned Sunday’s attack on the office of Afghanistan’s Green Trend party in Kabul, in which 20 people were killed and another 50 wounded.

Abdul Wahab Erfani said it was security officials’ job to provide security to presidential candidates.

Senate chairman Fazal Hadi Muslimyar also condemned the attack on the office of Afghanistan’s Green Trend party and urged security forces ensure security of electioneering.


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