Pajhwok Afghan News

Election workers’ appointment interfered with: FEFA

KABUL (FEFA) on Wednesday said lack of political consensus on election, candidates’ warning to boycott polls and government interference in election workers’ employment were worrisome problems.

The watchdog also said the international community was not committed to its promises regarding the Afghan democratic process.

Yousuf Rashid, FFEFA head, addressing a press conference here, regretted the lack of political consensus on the election process considering the current situation.

“Lack of a political consensus about election threatens transparency in polls, candidates should give up their personal demands for a transparent election,” he said.

He also called some candidates’ warning to boycott election as worrisome, saying any problem had a solution. “FFEFA is ready to mediate and create an understanding between presidential candidates and government leaders,” he added.

About the election and peace processes going simultaneously, he said that peace and election should be categorized into priorities. He said none of the two processes would probably make progress if there was no prioritization.

“We want the international community and the government to clarify their positions on the election and peace and they should provide information about the two issues,” he said.

Rashid said local officials, public representatives in Wolesi Jirga or lower house of the Parliament and provincial council members all were interfering in election workers’ recruitment process.

He asked Independent Election Commission (IEC) officials not to stay quiet about outside interferences in their affairs and share the issue with the government and the Independent Electoral Commission (IECC).

About the Presidential Palace’s interference in the appointment of the IEC IT manager, he said, “The IEC has sent three letters to the president about the appointment of the IT manager, but the president did not appoint the person who was introduced by the commission, instead appointed a different person.”

However, he did not provide further details about the issue. Rashid also shared details about accreditation charter for the presidential election.

FFEFA asked the presidential candidates who are currently party of the government to avoid appointing or replacing government workers in the capital and provinces.

The foundation also asked suspension of government officials who interfered in election and stopped government leaders’ meetings with members of election commissions.


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