Pajhwok Afghan News

Systematic fraud perpetrators be tried: Candidates

KABUL election process, calling for trial of those involved in systematic electoral fraud.

Ahmad Wali Massoud, a presidential candidate and member of the Presidential Candidates Council, told a press conference here that a number of countries were interfering in the election of Afghanistan.

“Some countries have been raising their voices for transparent election from the day one, but there are countries who chose silence and have been trying to repeat the 2014 scenario,” he said.

However, he said today’s Afghan generation was aware and would not let any country repeat past mistakes.

Massoud criticized what he called ‘unclear position of the United Nations regarding Afghanistan presidential election and said, “Due to indistinct position of UNAMA, the Afghan people will lose trust, the organization should adopt a clear stance about election incidents.”

On the other hand, Shahab Hakimi, another presidential candidate and member of the council, criticized the lock-breaking of the digital data center in Independent Election Commission (IEC).

He said SD cards of the center had been probably changed and there was need for a serious investigation.

“Announcement of fraudulent results by the IEC is not acceptable to us and defrauders should be introduced to judiciary organs,” he said.

Four days back, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah’s team in a press conference claimed that the lock of digital data collection center of the IEC had been broken by special police forces and secretariat workers of the commission.

However, Habib Rahman Nang, IEC secretary, had said the allegations were baseless and a plot against the commission.

A day earlier, the IEC said the commission in presence of election observers opened the center and data transfer to servers was resumed and the information of around two million voters entered into the system.

A resolution letter of the Presidential Candidates Council said that confrontation between candidates had raised serious concerns.

It said that contacts of foreign representatives with government teams were questionable and the people and the Presidential Palace had the right to know what discussed in such meetings.

The IEC should not further damage public trust in the election process otherwise the candidates council would take measures needed.


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