Pajhwok Afghan News

Balkh-based Kochis issued ID cards only in spring

MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): Kochi tribesmen on Saturday complained they were issued national identity cards only for three months of spring season in northern Balkh province and denied the ID cards in other seasons.

The Kuchis say the Balkh Population Registration Department issues ID cards to them only for three months in spring and closes the process in other seasons.

They say they face numerous problems when they do business or travel in absence of Tazkira.

However, the Balkh provincial council says it has not received any complaint regarding the issuance of ID cards from Kochi people.

Meanwhile, the Balkh PRD confirmed issuing ID cards to Kuchi tribesmen only in spring season as per the relevant law.

Sayed Mohammad Hariq, Kochi association head for northern zone, told Pajhwok Afghan News Kochis have been struggling with many problems across the country, particularly those based in Balkh province.

He said the Balkh PRD issued Tazkira to Kuchis only in spring season and they could not get the card in the rest of three seasons of a year.

He said the issue had been shared with the authorities concerned but so far one paid attention. According to the Constitution, each Afghan has the right to have the country’s citizenship.

Hariq said Kochis could not travel without having ID card and faced a number of problems during their business and urged the government to address the issue.

Juma Khan, a Kochi resident of Chamtal district, was not happy with the provincial PRD and the department only issued them Tazkira in July, August and September.

Eng. Farooq Obaidi, the Balkh Kochi department head, told Pajhwok that the issue had created a number of problems for Kochis in the province. He said around 80 percen Kochis lacked Tazkira due to the mentioned problem.

“Dozens of Kochis visit them on a daily basis over the issue.” He said they had shared the issue with the Balkh PRD but received negative response.

Afzal Hadid, the provincial council chairman, told Pajhwok each Afghan has the right to have the country’s citizenship.

He said Kochis have to register their complaint with them if they have problem in obtaining Tazkira.



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