Pajhwok Afghan News

Little progress in reduction of violence, says US

KABUL have focussed on reduction of violence, but no significant progress has been made in this regard, says a US official.

An American official at the US Embassy in Kabul, to media representatives Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, after a meeting with Taliban negotiator, visited Brussels for consultations with the NATO secretary-general.

From Brussels, Khalilzad traveled to Islamabad where he met Pakistani officials on the Afghan peace process and reduction of violence by the Taliban, the official added.

On Saturday, the US special envoy arrived in Kabul and met President Ashraf Ghani, Chief Executive Officer Dr. Abdullah, former president Hamid Karzai, a number of politicians, civil society’s representatives on the peace process.

Khalilzad’s greater focus has been on reduction of violence during talks with Taliban negotiators because the rebel group has rejected calls for a ceasefire, according to the official.

 Without providing details, the diplomat said the Taliban had presented a proposal to Khalilzad after meeting their leaders in Pakistan.

“We also want a ceasefire. If the Taliban are not ready for it, we have prioritisedreduction of violence to pave the way for progress,” the diplomat remarked.

He explained that reduction in violence would facilitate a deal between the United States and Taliban and lead to intra-Afghan talks.

Responding to a question, he said Washington did not want Afghanistan to be harmed by tensions between the US and Iran.

On the other hand, the US Embassy said Khalilzad’s efforts were aimed to end the war in Afghanistan and facilitate a political settlement.

The envoy consulted with Afghan leaders to hear their views. In all his meetings, Khalilzad urged the Afghans to continue to focus on forming an inclusive negotiating team for Intra-Afghan talks.


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