Pajhwok Afghan News

Presidential candidate body demands fresh elections

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Council of Presidential Election Candidates on Thursday demanded revocation of the election results and warned of creating ‘a Grand National Government, if the two leading teams continued their blame-game.

Presidential Candidate Abdul Hakim Torsan, while addressing the council, said that the Independent Election Commission (IEC) had not been impartial during the polls and demanded the election results to be cancelled.

“The Presidential Palace would not address the ongoing situation, but it put pressure on the Election Commission to announce fraudulent result,” he said.

He alleged the election commissioners had committed treason and now no country was ready to grant them visa.

He said the president and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah wanted to push the country towards crisis.

Ahmad Walli Massoud, another candidate, said the election result of the September 28 poll should be revoked because it would lead to more divisions and split instead of encouraging unity and strength.

Massoud said the IEC had failed to properly administer the election process and it opened a new phase of crisis with the announcement of final result.

He stressed the election result should be invalidated and an acting government should be established to pave the way for fresh elections.

Another candidate Shahab Hakimi said they had told the nation that a free and fair election was not possible.

Referring to economic, security, social and moral issues in the country, Hakimi said the people should not play silent spectators and stand against the government.


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