Pajhwok Afghan News

People’s movement restricted in Pul-i-Alam

PUL-I-ALAM (Pajhwok): The authorities on Thursday imposed a week-long lockdown in the capital of central Logar province in a bid to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Flanked by other senior officials, Logar Governor Awar Khan Ishaqzai told a press conference here that all shops, hotels and barber shops, excluding pharmacies, moneychanger, bakery shops, banks and food selling shops, would stay closed for a week.

“Coronavirus is a huge danger, to protect ourselves and others, we have taken quarantine measures and have restricted people’s movement as well,” the governor said.

However, local residents said people from districts and other areas continued to arrive in the city and it was feared, the virus would spread.

But Logar police chief Raham Khuda Mukhlis said they would ban entry of vehicles from outside the city and asked people to cooperate with the authorities in identifying suspected coronavirus cases.


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