Pajhwok Afghan News

Afghanistan reports 759 new Covid-19 cases

KABUL (Pajhwok): Afghanistan’s positive coronavirus cases continued to surge as 759 new cases were confirmed nationwide in the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) said Tuesday.

The new cases were diagnosed among hundreds of suspected patients during this period in several provinces, pushing the nationwide tally to 16,509, said MoPH.

The ministry also announced that five people died, and 22 patients recovered in the past 24 hours. The virus has so far killed 270 people and 1,450 have recovered as of Tuesday.  

The ministry said 266 people in capital Kabul, 112 in Herat, 66 in Balkh, 39 in Kandahar, 34 in Nangarhar, 27 in Baghlan, 25 in Khost and 21in Bamyan provinces contracted the disease in the past 24 hours.

Similarly 18 individuals were infected with the Covid-19 in Ghazni, as many in Faryab, 17 in Takhar, seven in Kapisa, four in Parwan, three in Badakhshan and two in Samangan.


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