Pajhwok Afghan News

HIA wants to be recognized as formal opposition party

KABUL (HIA), led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, has demanded its formal recognition as an opposition party, otherwise the party threatened not to attend intra-Afghan talks.

In a statement, the HIA said it always struggled for and insisted on Afghanistan’s independence, unconditional pullout of foreign troops, an end to the ongoing conflict, establishment of peace and sincere intra-Afghan talks without outside meddling.

The HIA accused President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani of failing to implement the peace agreement and announced that the party would not be allied with the government in its policies and affairs.

The HIA statement said: “In peace process, the HIA will participate when the party is recognized as a formal opposition party and the High Peace Council is formed of four sides —- three top electoral teams plus former President Hamid Karzai.”

The HIA said it would not partake in the High Peace Council or peace delegation if the government imposed conditions ahead of peace talks and rejected the interim government.

Pre-conditions would be considered as obstacle to peace process and participation in such talks would be a waste of time, the party said.

The HIA also stressed that peace talks should be purely intra-Afghan and no third party in any capacity should participate.

The HIA also rejected government request for loan from IMF and said the loan was not in the interest of the people of Afghanistan and the benefit of loan would only reach some particular individuals.

The statement also said the US was yet to free HIA prisoners from Guantanamo Bay Prison at a time when prisoners from Alqaeda, Taliban and Daesh were released. “The only Afghan prisoners in the Cuba jail are HIA members.”


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