Pajhwok Afghan News

Govt, Taliban asked to declare truce before Eid

KABUL to declare ceasefire in respect to Eidul Adha until the start of intra-Afghan talks.

Dozens of youth, including boys and girls, gathered in Kabul under the theme “No war, we want peace” and called for truce in the country.

Nahidah Hakim Mangal, head of the Positive Change of Youths’ Association, told the gathering that the youth desired peace as each of them had lost family members to the ongoing conflict.

He said, “We are calling on the government and the Taliban that we are tired of war.”

He asked the government and the Taliban to take real steps towards peace instead of symbolic gestures.

Mangal added, “Women bear the brunt of all this situation because women lose brothers, fathers, husbands and sons in war and their families are left homeless.”

Marya Totakhel, another participant of the gathering, said the killing spree of the Afghans had been ongoing for the past four decades.

She urged both Afghan government and the Taliban to announce a ceasefire ahead of Eidul Adha.

A number of other youths expressed similar views and urged the Afghan government and the Taliban to declare truce before the upcoming Eid.

The United States and the Taliban signed a keenly-awaited peace pact on ending the war in Afghanistan in Doha On Feb 29, 2020.

The deal will eventually lead to the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan. The number of American forces in the country has been cut to 8,600 from the previous 13,000.


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