Pajhwok Afghan News

Special Forces guarantor of Afghanistan’s integrity: Ghani

KABUL’s territorial integrity, saying no compromise would be made on their fate in any negotiations.

The president, accompanied by National Security Advisor Hamdullah Mohib and other security officials, visited the Special Operations Corps today morning.

A statement from the Presidential Palace said first Maj. Gen. Kheyal Nabi, deputy commander of the special corps, talked in the meeting and said, “The president’s visit boosts our morale, our national feelings and make us prepared to protect the legitimate system, the republic and the country with any sacrifices.”

Ghani, talking to the security forces, said: “You are special because you come from all corners of Afghanistan and defend all values of your country. Afghanistan is proud of you and the Afghan nation is with their commandos and Special Forces.”

 “I want to thank your families who trained their children for protection of the country and to give sacrifices in this path,” he said, while talking to Afghan forces.

Ghani added that Special Unit Forces had proved they were the backbone and Afghanistan will never be broken in their presence. The enemies of Afghanistan should know that they have no way but to escape when they see you, he said.

He said that Special Unit Forces were the defenders of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Afghan people always trusted them.


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