Pajhwok Afghan News

Afghanistan reports 226 new Covid-19 cases

KABUL (Pajhwok):  At least 226 new positive Covid-19 cases were detected in the country since yesterday, pushing the overall tally to 45,716, said the Public Health Ministry on Thursday.

The ministry in a statement said 1278 people underwent tests during the past 24 hours and the virus was found in 226 people.

It said among the new cases, 59 were confirmed in Kabul, 48 in Kandahar, 32 in Herat , 23 in Nangarhar, 21 in Balkh , 21 in Paktia, 13 in Parwan, two each in Zabul, Logar, Baghlan and one each in Maidan Wardak and Nuristan provinces.

The virus has so far killed 1737 people and 36,232 people have recovered from it so far.

The Ministry of Public Health says coronavirus cases are on the rise in the country once again.


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