Pajhwok Afghan News

Afghanistan reports 254 new Covid-19 cases

بیمار کرونا

KABUL (Pajhwok): More than 250 new positive cases of COVID-19 and five fatalities have been recorded across the country in the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Public Health said on Friday

A statement from the ministry said that of 1,473 samples, 254 tested positive.  It also reported five deaths and 38 recoveries from the pandemic in the same period.

The new cases were reported in Kabul (45), Herat (25), Kandahar (8), Balkh (16), Nangarhar (8), Takhar (29), Baghlan (4), Bamiyan (8), Kunduz (2), Parwan (11), Nimruz (2), Ghazni (9), Logar (11), Badghis (5), Badakhshan (4), Wardak (13), Helmand (4), Laghman (7), Kunar (4), Kapisa (32), Zabul (2) and Sar-e-Pul (5).

According to MoPH, three of the fatalities were reported in Herat and two in Balkh. The total number of infections has soared to 50,456 and deaths to 2,037. The number of recoveries is 38,724.


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