Pajhwok Afghan News

9 Afghans die from Covid-19 in single-day 

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) on Monday said 140 people tested positive for Covid-19 nationwide and nine persons died of the infection in the last 24 hours.

The ministry in a statement said 1,699 people underwent tests since Saturday and the virus was detected in 140 people, pushing the overall tally to 52,147.

The ministry said 21 cases were detected in Herat, 27 in Kabul, 20 in Kandahar, 19 in Kapisa, 16 in Takhar, 9 Nangarhar, 5 in Farah, 4 each in Balkh, Laghman, 3 each in Miadanwardak , Helmand, 2 each in Paktia , Daikundi , Uruzgan, Faryab and one  each in Kunar and Ghazni provinces.

The period saw 279 individuals recovering from the pandemic, with the total recoveries reaching 41,610.

It said 9 people lost their lives to the virus during the period, pushing the total death toll to 2,179.

The ministry has announced the start of the second wave of the pandemic in the country and has asked people to follow the virus preventive guidelines.


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