Pajhwok Afghan News

Efforts stepped up to accelerate Afghan peace process

KABUL (Pajhwok): Efforts for accelerating the intra-Afghan peace process have been stepped up, with US and UN special representatives increasing their meetings in this regard.

US Special Envoy for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad on Wednesday met Taliban and Afghan government representatives on the peace process.

The government negotiating team wrote on its Twitter account that Khalilzad met the Massoum Stanikzai-led peace negotiating team.

It added the two sides discussed ways of speeding up the reconciliation process and the upcoming Istanbul Summit. but further details have not been shared.

On the other hand, Taliban spokesman Dr. Mohammad Naeem said Khalilzad also met the Mullah Baradar-led Taliban peace negotiating team.

He added the two sides discussed thorough implementation of the Doha pact between the US and the Taliban.

Naeem said both sides reiterated their commitment towards the peace agreement. He said the Taliban insisted on the withdrawal of US troops by the May 1 deadline, because it was a fundamental step towards resolving the problem.

The release of the remaining Taliban prisoners and the removal of the names of rebel leaders from the UN blacklist were also discussed.

UN Special Representative Deborah Lyons has arrived in Qatar to meet Afghan government and Taliban negotiating teams and discuss peace, ceasefire and the Istanbul Summit with Qatari, Turkish and US representatives.

UNAMA tweeted Deborah Lyons met President Ashraf Ghani in Kabul before arriving in Qatar and discussed speeding up the peace process and reduction in violence in the country.

UNAMA said both sides agreed that an inclusive peace should be established in Afghanistan to ensure rights of every Afghan were protected.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in a letter to President Ashraf Ghani, had emphasised on accelerating the peace parleys.

Blinken had proposed a UN-led conference in Turkey. The Turkish president said the gathering would be held in April — but the date is yet to be firmed up.

A well-placed source says the US has been emphasising on organising the meeting on April 12. However, the United Nations is said to have disagreed with that date.

The source says the conference would be held on April 25, but the Taliban demand the event be organised after the holy month of Ramadan.


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