Pajhwok Afghan News

New Faryab Governor Laghmani takes office

MAIMANA (Pajhwok): The newly-appointed governor of northwestern Faryab province, Mohammad Dawood Laghmani, took office on Monday.

After a month of opposition from Marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum and supporters of the Junbish Party to the appointment of Laghmani, he was introduced to local officials at a ceremony here.

Before the new governor formally rook charge, the introduction ceremony took place at the headquarters of the 1st Brigade of the Shaheen Military Corps.

Earlier, Dostum and his supporters showed strong reaction to the appointment of Laghmani, complaining they were not consulted on the issue.

For almost four weeks, there have been protests and rallies in the northern provinces against the new governor’s appointment

Three days ago, Jumbish-i-Milli supporters erected a tent in front of the governor’s house as a mark of protest in Maimana.

But Laghmani was finally introduced today as the new governor of the province at the headquarters of the 1st Brigade of the 209th Shaheen Military Corps. There was no media presence on the occasion.


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