Pajhwok Afghan News

‘Up to $8m embezzled from customs revenue daily’

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Finance on Wednesday admitted up to $8 million was being embezzled from the country’s custom offices on a daily basis, warning to reveal the list of parliament members and government officials who appointed their own people in customs points using their influence.

Wolesi Jirga of lower house of the parliament today summoned acting finance minister, Mohammad Khalid Painda to provide information about the collection of revenue from customs points and non-payment of extra 2,000 afghanis in salaries for teachers.

Embezzlement of millions of US dollars in customs offices

A number of Wolesi Jirga members, including speaker Mir RahmanRahmani said that around $8 million was embezzled from the country’s custom offices on a daily basis.

The acting finance minister also said his ministry had estimated around seven to eight million US dollars were embezzled in customs offices on routine. He said that some workers of customs offices were appointed in collusion with commissioners and some government officials.

The estimated $8 million loss in custom offices in a day shows the government loses more than $2.7 billion in a year.

Mohammad Khalid Painda said, “Unfortunately in some cases governors, police chiefs, commissars and anyone who have some power have their part in extortions. There is a province where the president had traveled, and after the president returns, the Hajj and Islamic Affairs Director calls the customs director to send his (right) because he did not complained about him.”

He said that in some provinces, farmers were asked for share in the customs revenue because of a road passed from their area.

He added that some armed men belonged to commissary in Paktika province allowed hundreds of cargo trucks to pass overnight without any customs charges.

Most of the problems are created by workers who are introduced in open competition for employment who think that they have immunity and no one can fire them, he said.

Painda said that he had referred several customs officials to the Attorney General Office and brought changes to some customs departments which he added was the reason revenue collection somehow improved.

“Unfortunately too much money is misused in customs offices and it requires a very strong man to avoid corruption,” he said, adding that the Mobility Care Service in the country’s customs offices was the most corrupt.

He said that they removed the section from the customs offices and now customs reports directly referred to the finance minister instead of customs officials.

Painda said that many customs workers were employed with the influence of parliament members and other government officials and he was ready to share the list of such figures on the request of the parliament.

A number of lawmakers reacted to Painda’s remarks and asked him to reveal the list who involved in such employments.

“The list is currently not with me,  give me some time, I will share it with you,” the finance minister said.

However, some lawmakers stressed that the list should be revealed today.

ZahirSalangi, a lawmaker from Parwan province, said that they supported the minister and the figures who used their influence for employing their own people in customs offices should be exposed.

Gul Ahmad Kamin, a lawmaker from Kandahar province said, “I know you have that courage and we stand by your side, the names of all thieves should be exposed, from the parliament to the Presidential Palace.”

The parliament members asked the minister to share the list of MPs and government officials who used their authority and influence for employing their own people in the custom offices.


Acting finance minister said that payment of extra 2,000 Afghanis to salaries of low rank teachers would be applicable from March 21.

He said that the salaries of government officers had been increased by 134 percent compared to the previous decade but no changes were made in the organizational structure.


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