Pajhwok Afghan News

Hundreds of Paktika police forces unpaid since 6 months

SHARAN (Pajhwok): Hundreds of police forces in southeastern Paktika province have not received their salaries since last six months and currently they are struggling with serious economic problems.

On the other hand, Paktika security officials say that the salaries were delayed due to problems in the system but assured of resolving the issue in near future.

A policeman from Khairkot district of Paktika, Sayed Mohammad, said that they had not received their salaries for the last six months.

“We walk secretly from people in the village and bazaar, we have taken loans from all of them, they do not give us salaries, we are at great trouble,” he said.

Another policeman Baizid also said that he had not received his salary since last half a year.

“We have shared this matter with all officials, they tell us that we are not accepted in the system, they promise us with today and tomorrow, it is now six months since they have not paid us our salaries,” he said.

A number of other policemen also complained about non-payment of their salaries and asked government officials to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Yaqob Khan Manzor, a civil society activist in Paktika, said that the government should immediately resolve the problem.

“We are also aware about this problem, soldiers’ salary is very important in this critical situation, they should give both salaries and other resources to soldiers so they defend the country,” he said.

Paktika police spokesman Shah Mohammad Arian said that the salaries were delayed due to problem in salaries management system.

He assured that the problem would be solved in the near future and all unpaid salaries would be released.


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