Pajhwok Afghan News

Afghanistan’s Covid-19 death toll nears 4,400

KABUL (Pajhwok): At least 2,202 new Covid-19 cases and 73 deaths from the virus have been recorded in Afghanistan in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Public Health said on Tuesday.

The ministry said 5,499 tests were conducted across the country in the past 24 hours and the virus was detected in 2,202 people, taking Afghanistan’s overall tally to 107,957.

Kabul recorded the highest number of cases (327) followed by northwestern Jawzjan province where the virus was detected in 276 people.

At least 204 new cases were found in Baghlan, 183 in Balkh, 122 in Nangarhar, 98 in Herat, 87 each in MaidanWardak and Samangan, 81 in Takhar, 78 in Logar, 69 in Kandahar, 65 in Kunar, 60 each in Ghazni and Panjshir, 59 in Kunduz, 49 in Nimroz, 47 in Daikundi, 42 in Ghor, 27 each in Faryab and Zabul, 33 each in Paktia and Farah, 23 in Urozgan, 22 in Helmand, 18 in Laghman, 13 in Khost and 12 in Bamiyan province.

At least 494 individuals recovered from the pandemic during the period, pushing the number of total recoveries to 65,565.

A statement from MoPH said 73 people died of the virus in the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll to 4,366.

The global infection tally has reached 179 million, with over 3.8 million losing their lives to the pandemic.


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