Pajhwok Afghan News

Public uprising should operate in legal framework: MPs

KABUL (Pajhwok): A number of Meshrano Jirga or upper house members on Sunday voiced their support for public uprising against the Taliban, but asked the government to regulate such movement to avoid any possible problems in future.

Following the fall of several districts and regions to the Taliban, people of many provinces of the country took arms against the Taliban and in support of Afghan forces.

The Ministry of Defense supported the uprising groups.

SafiullahHashemi, a senator from Samangan province, supported public uprising and asked the Ministry of Defense to regulate uprising members under a single framework so ‘enemies of the Afghan people’ do not take advantage of the situation.

MohiuddinMunsif, another senator from Samangan, held similar views and said, “These people should be recruited in Afghan forces in their provinces and provide with privileges based on the law, so Afghan forces would be able to defeat the militants in cooperation with these people.”

Gulalai Akbar, a senator from Badakhshan province, said, “There is concern that the uprising people should not turn into a headache in the future, it is the job of the government to create a military committee and take control of these forces; otherwise the situation could go to a wrong direction and the enemy will take advantage of it.”

Meshrano Jirga chairman, FazalHadiMuslimyar also supported mobilization of people and stressed that the government should regulate such people under a legal framework so it would resolve the concerns of the public.

He also asked other senators to work for mobilization of the people to stand with Afghan forces. He said that the ongoing war in Afghanistan was imposed and it was driven by Taliban for the interests of others.

Tariq Arian, a spokesman of the Ministry of Interior about the armament of people against Taliban and concerns on the regard, said that recent movements were spontaneous and it was under the security sector’s observation.

He said that the only aim of the public uprising forces was to support Afghan forces and had no other goal to follow.

On the other hand, the Taliban about the armament of the public in a statement said, “Those who are fueling war in the country in the name of public uprising, Arbaki and illegal armed men, or use civilians should know that they will face a serious action from the Islamic Emirate…”

The Taliban asked people not to send their children to join ‘hostile movements’.


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