Pajhwok Afghan News

Consequences if Turkey secures Kabul airport, warn Taliban

KABUL (Pajhwok):  The Taliban on Tuesday warned Turkey of serious consequences over its decision to take over the security of Kabul’s airport after the full withdrawal of US troops in less than two months.

In a statement, the group said the Turkish decision was ‘ill-advised’ and a violation of Afghanistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and against national interests.

Urging Turkey to reverse the decision, the Taliban said the extension of occupation will arouse emotions of resentment and hostility inside our country towards Turkish officials and will damage bilateral ties.

Turkey’s role has not been finalized, with talks between Ankara and Washington yet to result in a detailed road map, which Turkish officials insist must spell out American air support in case of a Taliban attack on the airport.

The warning from the Taliban comes two days after the Afghan government confirmed it had installed its first air defense system in decades at Hamid Karzai International Airport as Taliban militants continued to make sweeping advances across the country.

In their statement, the Taliban said the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns this reprehensible decision in the strongest terms as it will induce problems between Turkish and Afghan nations.

“ We consider stay of foreign forces in our homeland by any country under whatever pretext as occupation, and invaders will be dealt with on the basis of the fatwa of fifteen hundred distinguished scholars issued in the year 1422 Hijri Lunar (2001) – a fatwa under which the past twenty-year Jihad has been waged.”

The group urged the Muslim Turkish people and its astute politicians to raise their voices against this decision because it is neither beneficial for Turkey nor Afghanistan, rather it only creates problems and issues between both Muslim nations.

“Our policy remains that we seek good and positive relations with all countries based on reciprocal conduct. We neither interfere in the affairs of others nor allow others to interfere in our own affairs”.

The Taliban warned if if Turkish officials fail to reconsider their decision and continue the occupation of our country, the Islamic Emirate and the Afghan nation – in line with their religious, conscientious and patriotic duty – will take a stand against them as they have stood against the two-decade occupation, in which case the responsibility for all consequences shall fall on shoulders of those who interfere in the affairs of others and make such ill-advised decisions.


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