Pajhwok Afghan News

Donors will not support authoritarian government: UNAMA

KABUL (Pajhwok): The United Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan’s Head Deborah Lyons says with battlefield advances Taliban have inherited responsibilities the world is watching closely how they now act.

At the Joint Coordination & Monitoring Board (JCMB) meeting Lyons said no major donor will finance repression of women, discrimination of minorities, denying of education to girls, or decrees of an authoritarian government.

Afghanistan leaders and international donors meet in Kabul today at #JCMB to review commitments & progress.

UNAMA Chief said the event took place in extraordinary circumstances, with work to preserve the gains never more urgent or challenging.

At the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board (JCMB) meeting donors seek reassurance from Afghaninstan government that it recognizes the nature of the current crisis and that it has a strategic outlook that addresses it.

She noted to address Afghanistan’s long term issues peace negotiations must begin in earnest & with sincerity. Without progress at negotiating table, & instead human rights abuses occur, the Taliban will not be seen as a viable partner by the international community.

There are 18 million Afghans today facing dire humanitarian needs. They must be prioritized & UN family as a civilian entity in #Afghanistan will #StayandDeliver. Donors at the Govt & UN co-chaired event urged to support critical humanitarian needs.


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