Pajhwok Afghan News

‘Iran financially back Taliban to create problems for dams’

KABUL (Pajhwok): Representatives of a number of political parties in capital Kabul on Thursday accused Iran of interfering in Afghanistan and assisting militants with financial resources to create problems for water dams in the country.

Members of political parties and civil society activists participated in a gathering in Kabul and criticized the neighboring country for ‘interfering’ in Afghanistan.

Moin Samkanai, head of HaqwaAdalat party, said that Iran should not take advantage of crisis in Afghanistan and should not create problems to water dams in the country.

He voiced on Afghans not to fall to the ‘enemy’s’ trap and get united for the development of their own country.

Abdul SammadFormali, head of Hamfikran National Coalition, which is a civil society institute, said that Iran’s interference in Afghanistan was inacceptable for Afghans and they would not allow anyone to damage national interests.

He asked the international community to press Iran to avoid meddling in Afghanistan affairs and supporting the Taliban.

Abdul Rahim Noori, head of Kabul People’s Council, talking to the gathering, said that Afghanistan’s neighbors did not want peace in the country and they always created problems for Afghans.

A number of other participants of the meeting held similar views and presented a resolution letter at the end.

The meeting in the resolution condemned what they described as Iran’s financial support to insurgent groups including the Taliban. They stressed that the neighboring country should stop meddling in Afghanistan affairs.

They said that Salma Dam in Herat province was a vital infrastructure of the country and it should be protected against any threats.

The resolution said that Iran was mainly responsible for unrest in the western zone of the country by supporting insurgent groups.


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