Pajhwok Afghan News

Poverty drives educated youths in Ghor to migrate to Iran

FIROZKOH (Pajhwok): Educated youths in western Ghor province say they are trying to leave the country due to joblessness and poverty and ask the Islamic Emirate to establish the government as soon as possible to help people find jobs.

Some of the youths talked to Pajhwok Afghan News over the telephone from the border with Iran and said that all routes to the neighboring country had been shut by Iranian border forces.

One of them, Najibullah said that they were waiting since last seven days for opening of Iran border.

A graduate of Dari language literature from Badakhshan University, Najibullah said that they started an illegal journey to Iran due to joblessness.

“We have been waiting here since the last seven days, unfortunately there is no route to go to Iran. I started this journey to win bread for my family, I know it is hard to reach Iran which also does not treat us well, but we are obliged,” he said.

Besides Najibullah, hundreds of youths are waiting for Iranian border to be opened so they would be able to cross it.

Sayed Mustafa Azizi, a worker of a non-governmental organization, who wanted to go to Iran, said that their organization had been closed after the fall of Firozkoh city, the capital of Ghor and he was currently jobless.

He said that passport service was inactive and they had no any other way but to cross the border illegally.

He said that he would never wanted to go to other countries if there were job opportunities and security in Afghanistan.

Besides youths, a number of families are also leaving their country due to poverty and lack of security.

Sayed Ahmad Agha, the father of four children, recently migrated to Iran. He said that he spent 15 days in hardship on the border before he reaching Tehran.

Abdul Hamid Natiqi, a provincial council member of Ghor, also said that thousands of families had moved from the province due to poverty.

He asked the Islamic Emirate to find a solution to the problems of people, particularly residents of Ghor province.

Natiqi said that hundreds of educated youths were leaving the country and migrating to neighboring Iran due to joblessness and poverty.

Mualvi Abdul KarimJahadyar, Islamic Emirate’s acting governor for Ghor, said that they would announce their economic and employment programs after the establishment of new government.

“Employment and economic programs would be announced after the creation of new government by the Islamic Emirate so it would eliminate poverty and create jobs, “he said.

This comes as Taliban in various meetings had asked people not to leave the country and that the Islamic Emirate would soon establish its government.

The Taliban say that all government officers would continue their jobs and their salaries would be paid.


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