Pajhwok Afghan News

4 detained over young man’s death in custody

LASHKARGAH (Pajhwok): A resident of southern Helmand province claims his younger brother has been tortured to death in police custody, with local officials reporting four arrests in connection with the murder.

Sharif Sharafat, the victim’s brother, alleged he was killed after being tortured by the Taliban in the first police district of Lashkargah, the provincial capital, over a Facebook post.

Pajhwok Afghan News could not find the Facebook account of the slain man. But Sharafat said his brother had written the post a few days ago: “Teachers! You demand salaries from the Taliban who themselves have no food. But you still want them to pay your salaries.”

Sharafat added after the post, his brother Eng. Naveed was picked from his shop by officials of the first police district on Thursday.

Sharafat was told that his brighter would be released after an investigation into his Facebook post was completed.

On Saturday, when Naveed was not freed despite official promises, his father and several elders went to the police office concerned. This time, the officials said he had escaped and they were looking for him.

The next day, Sharafat continued, they went to to a local hospital and found Naveed’s body there. He said wounds on his brother’s body proved he had been severely tortured.

He said they took his brother’s body to the governor’s office, where the deputy governor acknowledged “you have been wronged”, and promised the killers would be arrested and punished.

On Wednesday (today), representatives of the governor’s office, the National Directorate of Security (NDS) and the Attorney General’s Office addressed a press conference on the case of Naveed Ahmad.

Speaking to reporters at the governor’s office, acting Appellant Court head Maulvi Abdul Jabbar Hijrat announced a four-member commission had been set up to probe the incident.

He said the NDS had arrested four members of the first police district of Lashkargah in connection with the incident. If found guilty, they would be punished under the Sharia law, he promised.

“We have investigated the first district manager and the Taliban. We also visited the place where the man was arrested. The accused have been arrested and sent to prison,” he said. “If convicted, they will be punished.”

Representative of the governor house Mohammad Issa Sharif also said their investigation was underway to ascertain how Naveed was killed.

He affirmed the government’s commitment to protecting the rights, lives and properties of all citizens.

“We have been instructed by the governor’s office to set up a four-member commission to investigate the killing of Naveed Ahmad in the presence of his family members,” he said.



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