Pajhwok Afghan News

UN defers decision on Taliban nominee Shaheen

KABUL (Pajhwok): The UN Credentials Committee has delayed its decision on who will represent Afghanistan and Myanmar at the world body.

The deferral, an expected outcome, means the Afghan Taliban and Myanmar junta will not be let into the United Nations for now.

Nominees of the Taliban and Myanmar’s junta were pitted against ambassadors appointed by the governments they unseated this year.

Reuters quoted Sweden’s UN Ambassador Anna Karin Enestrom, chair of the panel, as telling journalists the decisions had been deferred.

However, she refused to comment on whether the current ambassadors for Afghanistan and Myanmar would still represent their countries.

The Taliban, who seized power in mid-August, have named their Doha-based spokesman Suhail Shaheen as Afghanistan’s ambassador to the UN.

At the same time, Ghulam Isaczai – the ambassador appointed by the Ghani administration – has insists the slot belongs to him.

The nine-member body met at the UN headquarters on Wednesday to look at the credentials of all 193 members for the current session of the UN General Assembly.

After the meeting, the panel’s chair said: “The committee has decided to defer its decision of the credentials in these two situations.”

The decision comes hours after Shaheen said in a series of tweets that the people of Afghanistan had fought for their independence and reserved the right to have their representatives at the UN.

The Taliban are desperate for global recognition as Afghanistan is going through the worst humanitarian situation with nearly half of its population starving.

PAN Monitor/mud

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