Pajhwok Afghan News

Tirinkot people complain about increasing robberies

TERINKOT (Pajhwok): Residents of Tirinkot, the capital of central Uruzgan province, say they are worried about increasing robbery cases in the city.

They say their belongings and assets are not safe, asking officials concerned to take steps for controlling the situation.

Qudratullah, a resident of KhairoKarez area of ​​Tirinkot, told Pajhwok Afghan News that two days ago, thieves stole a motorcycle from his house’s yard.

He added that after the incident, he informed the nearby police district but no thief could be arrested or motorcycle found so far.

Fida Mohammad, a resident of Kotwal area of ​​Tirinkot city, said that robbers stole 17 sheep from his house during night.

He said that five of his sheep were discovered but the rest were still missing.

He said that he recovered the sheep from the house of a drug addicted person in the village.

Mohammad said he also gave a radio announcement to find his remaining sheep.

In another case, robbers stole a paper of aid cheque from a man’s house in Poti Kalacha area of ​​ Tirinkot city.

The victim, Gul, said the robbers stole the cheque after they could not find valuable things in his house.

He and many people of the city say that thefts in Tirinkot city have increased due to inaction of local officials.

However, security officials in Uruzgan say protecting people and their property is a priority.

Qari Agha Wali Qureshi, Uruzgan police spokesman, told Pajhwok that security personnel were strictly directed about security of Tirinkot city during a meeting on Sunday.

He added that security organs would take serious measures against those who disrupted public safety.

On the other hand, Asif, director of information and culture of Uruzgan, said that security had improved in the city and denied complaints about increased robberies.



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