Pajhwok Afghan News

Kabul rally asks US to reconsider decision on Afghan reserves

KABUL (Pajhwok): Some Afghan sports persons on Wednesday staged a protest rally in capital Kabul against US President Joe Biden’s decision on Afghanistan reserves, saying the US president has no authority to take such a decision.

Tens of Afghan youth gathered in Shahr-e-Naw Park in Kabul City and rallied towards Serena Hotel where they handed over a resolution passed by the rally participants to UNAMA officials.

The rally participants chanted slogans against the US, demanded the release of Afghanistan’s assets and urged reconsideration of US president decision.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden has signed an executive order creating the possibility of splitting $7bn in frozen Afghan funds held in the US, potentially allotting half for humanitarian aid to the country while keeping the other half available for possible seizure by victims of the September 11 attacks.

The executive order said the administration “will seek to facilitate access to $3.5 billion” of the Afghan assets currently held by the Federal Reserve of New York “for the benefit of the Afghan people and for Afghanistan’s future”.

The resolution letter passed by the rally participants said: “We the sports persons of Afghanistan on the behalf of the people of Afghanistan strongly condemn US president’s decision on Afghanistan’s assets.”

They asked the US to free Afghanistan’s assets unconditionally and asked the UN not to keep silence regarding Washington’s unfair decision.

“There is no proof that Afghan government or people were involved in the 9/11 attack,” the resolution said, asking the US president to reconsider his decision.

Abdul QadirQatai, head of the Wrestling Federation, said: “Isn’t it sham for the US to freeze Afghanistan’s assets.”

“The entire world knows Afghan nation and if the US did not free our reserves it will have consequences for the US,” he said.


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