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Easing sanctions, US facilitates trade with Afghanistan

Easing sanctions, US facilitates trade with Afghanistan

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26 Feb 2022 - 09:10
Easing sanctions, US facilitates trade with Afghanistan
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26 Feb 2022 - 09:10

KABUL (Pajhwok): The US Treasury Department has issued a new licence to facilitate commercial and financial transactions with Afghanistan, media reports said on Saturday.

The Biden administration’s new move is designed to revive some commercial activity that halted in last August when the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan.

The Associated Press quoted officials as saying the US-imposed curbs on the Taliban were not aimed to damage trade that could help steer Afghanistan out of the ongoing economic and humanitarian crisis.

Nearly 24 million people, more than 50 percent of Afghanistan’s population, are at risk severe hunger, UN agencies say.  About nine 9 are on the verge of starvation.

The licence allows transactions involving Afghanistan or governing organs there, but not the Taliban leaders slapped with sanctions.

USAID Administrator Samantha Power explained the fresh licence sought to ensure the sanctions did not impede the activities needed to meet the basic human needs of the Afghans.

On the face of it, the action helps the private firms and aid organisations working with Afghan institutions and paying customs duties and taxes.

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said: “Our action today recognises that in light of this dire crisis, it is essential that we address concerns that sanctions inhibit commercial and financial activity.”

The measure facilitates several governing institutions, including Da Afghanistan Bank.

PAN Monitor/mud


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