Pajhwok Afghan News

Reopen girls schools in a week, students, teachers tell govt

KABUL (Pajhwok): Teachers, civil society and women rights activists at a gathering on Sunday expressed concern over the closure of girls schools above class six and demanded their prompt resumption.

Earlier, the acting government had pledged to reopen all schools nationwide on March 25, but the Ministry of Education suddenly ordered closure of high schools for girls.

The Education Ministry in a statement had said whenever a proper uniform in line with Islamic Sharia and Afghan culture was designed and approved, then the Islamic Emirate leadership will allow the resumption of girls schools above class sixth.

Shagofa, a class ninth student from Um-ul-Banin High School in Kabul, said: “When the new year started, I was very happy and went to school but soon after an hour girls above class sixth were sent back home.”

She asked relevant authorities not to create hurdles in the way of girls education and allow them to go to schools.

A school teacher Abida Majeed said: “Implementation of promise is part of Muslims faith and every Muslim is bound to implement the pledge he/she makes.”

She asked government leadership to allow the resumption of girls school soon.

The gathering also passed a resolution, asking the government to reopen schools within a week.


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