Pajhwok Afghan News

AIB wins Euromoney’s ‘Best Bank in Afghanistan 2022’ award

KABUL (Pajhwok): Afghanistan International Bank (AIB) on Monday said it has received the accolade of Afghanistan best bank for 2022 from Euromoney magazine.

Euromoney magazine was launched in 1969 to cover the emergence of the international cross-border capital markets. The euromarket, after which the magazine is named, is the predecessor to today’s mainstream global capital markets.

AIB wrote on its Facebook page that the bank received the best bank award for 2022 from Euromoney.

The award is one of the most prestigious in the banking industry, the source wrote.

The AIB is grateful to the management, the supervisory board and all the employees for their considerable efforts and attributes this achievement to all the customers.

According to the source, AIB received this award for the third time since 2020.



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