Pajhwok Afghan News

2,500 needy families receive food assistance in Daikundi

NEILI (Pajhwok): At least 2,500 needy families received food aid in central Daikundi province, the Rural Rehabilitation and Development department said on Sunday.

In a statement, the department said about 2,500 families in Sangi Takht district and Bandar area were provided with food assistance by the World Food Program (WFP).

The assistance included flour, cooking oil, and baby food. Each family received items worth 6,200afs.

The statement said only 250 people received the aid in exchange for work and the rest were poor and needy people.

The department said the process of providing aid to needy families would continue in Shahristan, Miramor, Khader, Ishtarli, Kiti, and Nawmesh districts.


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