Pajhwok Afghan News

Normalizing ties with world needs time, says Muttaqi

KABUL (Pajhwok): Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi on Monday said normalizing ties with foreign countries needed time, but their government had been able to convey the voice of Afghans to many nations during the past one year.

“In transit area, we were able to connect south Asia with central Asia, this has practically begun and has a good impact on Afghanistan’s economy,” Muttaqi told a gathering marking the first anniversary of the Taliban’s return to power.

He said the voice of Afghans was conveyed to the world through international conferences in Russia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and China on Afghanistan.

“Afghanistan has emerged from a 40-year-old conflict. Many countries fought the Afghan nation for 20 years, so the restoration and normalization of ties with the world need time. But thank God so far our trips to foreign countries and meetings there were official and enjoyed honor and dignity. There is hope that we will have further progress.”

According to him, he met and held meetings with countries in various fields and made achievements in the improvement of economy and relations and hoped to achieve more progress.

“Due to these efforts, humanitarian aid worth hundreds of millions of dollars was attracted for Afghanistan in the past one year, and the aid reached the needy in a transparent way. Hundreds of students were sent to other countries for education, even teachers were sent for doctorate and master’s degree and this continues.”

Muttaqi added flights to various countries had started from Afghanistan and to Afghanistan from other countries and trade through the air corridors and land had also increased.


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