Pajhwok Afghan News

Recent floods kill 41, destroy 790 homes in Afghanistan: OCHA

KABUL (Pajhwok): Recent floods killed 41 people, injured 17 and destroyed or partially damaged 790 houses in some provinces, affecting more than 3,720 families.

The United Nations Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Wednesday said the fatalities and damages were caused by floods that emerged last Thursday and Monday.

Due to the floods, OCHA said, 11 people lost their lives in Parwan, 11 in Nangarhar, 9 in Logar, seven in Paktia, three in Khost and one in Kapisa provinces. A dozen people were injured in Parwan, three in Kapisa and two in Logar.

It said 434 houses were destroyed or damaged in Nangarhar, 256 in Parwan, 57 in Kunar and 42 in Laghman province due to the floods triggered by heavy rains.

The floods affected 2,400 families in Nangarhar, 450 in Paktia, 250 in Logar, 190 in Maidan Wardak, 150 in Khost, 128 in Laghman, 100 in Paktika, 50 in Kapisa and 10 families in Kunar.

The floods also swept away crops on hundreds of acres of land besides causing destruction to road infrastructures, cutting off some areas.

OCHA said the floods hit hard Najrab district of Kapisa, Charkh district of Logar, Ghorband area of ​​Parwan and Jalariz, Chak and Saidabad districts of Maidan Wardak.

The organization said the flood-affected families needed emergency shelter, food and non-food items, clean drinking water and medical supplies.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the World Food Program (WFP), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), DACAAR, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and child protection organization, SCI, have started an evaluation in this regard.


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