Pajhwok Afghan News

Afghani currency appreciates 2pc against US dollar

KABUL (Pajhwok): In addition to the US dollars depreciation against afghani, the prices of Kazakhstani flour, liquefied gas, and patrol decreased while the rates of cooking oil and gold increased during the outgoing week in Kabul.

Haji Hussain, the owner of Sadaqat Money Changer, said one dollar was accounted for 86afs, while 1,000 Pakistani rupees consumed 370afs.

Last week, one US dollar was accounted for 88afs and 1,000 Pakistan rupees 375afs.

Abdul Rahman Zirak, spokesman for the Afghanistan moneychangers’ union, told Pajhwok Afghan News: “The value of the Afghan currency has increased significantly against all foreign currencies and it is the first time in the last 13 months that the value of afghani appreciates as one US dollar is exchanged for 86afs.”

He said as the winter was approaching the humanitarian assistance had increased and the value of afghani increased.

Fuel price declined

According to an employee of Ahmadyar Group Pump Station, the price of one litre of petrol dropped from 84afs to 81afs and the price of one liter of diesel remained unchanged at 97afs.

Liquefied gas rate also declined

Mohammad Sharif, a liquefied gas seller in the Kolola Pushta area, said the price of one kilogram of gas decreased from 65afs to 61afs.

Zamarai Safi, head of Food Traders Association, told Pajhwok that the price of 49-kilogram of Kazakh flour decreased from 2,450afs to 2,350af. But the price of 16-liter tin of Malaysian cooking oil surged from 1,750afs to 1,850afs, he added.

He said the price of 49 kilograms of Indian sugar stood at 3,000afs, 24.5 kilograms of Pakistani rice at 3,000afs, one-kilogram of black African tea 400afs and the same quantity of green Indonesian tea 350afs same as last week.

Hamid Sufizada, a retailer in the Dahni-i-Bagh area of Kabul, said the retail price of 49-kilogram of Kazakh flour was 2,400 afs, 24-kilogram of Pakistani rice 3,050 afs, 49 kilograms of Indian sugar 3,050 afs, 16 litres of Malaysian cooking oil 1,900 afs, one kilogram of green Indonesian team 400 afs and one kilogram of black African tea 450 afs.

Gold price increased

Mohammad Javid, a jewelry seller in the Laycee Maryam market, one gram Arabic gold (Ayaar 750) increased from 3,900afs to 3,950afs but the price of Russian variety (Ayaar 595) remained unchanged at 3,200afs.


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