Pajhwok Afghan News

Motorists want Nuristan-Kunar road repaired ahead of winter

PARON (Pajhwok): Drivers say the Nuristan-Kunar road in eastern Nuristan province has been in a rundown condition since years, but this year the road was not graveled like previous years and it might be closed in winter

Ihsanullah, a driver, told Pajhwok Afghan News he had been driving on the Nuristan-Kunar road for the past five years. He said the road’s condition deteriorated with the passage of time.

He said the road was graveled from time to time in the past years, but this year it was not done so. He said landslides in some places had narrowed the road, creating serious problems for motorists and passengers.

The driver said the road might be blocked by snow in winter considering its current condition.

Another driver Bahadur said the Nuristan-Kunar road had completely worn out, leading to an uneven surface. The road’s condition had deteriorated compared to the past years, he added.

He said small vehicles would ply the road even in winter season in the past years, but this year it was difficult to travel on the road right now.

He warned if the government failed to pay attention to the dilapidated condition of the road soon, it was possible that the route would be completely closed in winter.

Amanullah, a resident of Paron, the capital of Nuristan province, feared if the road between Nuristan and Kunar was closed in winter, it would lead to food shortages and would send prices soaring.

He urged the government to repair the road before winter.

Abdul Zahir, another resident, also said the government and aid agencies should repair the road before winter.

He was worried that people who were already struggling with economic hardships would face numerous problems if the road was closed in winter.

Nuristan governor’s spokesman Saifuddin Latoon said the governor had meetings with relevant departments and had asked them to take full measures in their respective areas.

He told Pajhwok that equipment and vehicles of the Public Works Department and other departments were more organized compared to the past and they were sure roads leading to the province would not be closed.

The provincial administration also held several meetings with aid giving agencies to provide humanitarian aid to people in different areas before the arrival of winter, he said.


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