Pajhwok Afghan News

Zabul’s Badinai crossing opened for public movement

KALAT (Pajhwok): The Badinai crossing on Durand Line in southern Zabul province has been opened for public movement four days in a week after pressing demand from local residents, an official said on Sunday.

Deputy Governor Sulaiman Agha Baheer told Pajhwok Afghan News the Badinai crossing had been reopened following the agreement of Afghan and Pakistani sides.

Tribes living on both sides have relationship with each other, therefore the Zabul local administration held talks with the Pakistani side on the bases of which the crossing will be opened for public movement from Monday till Thursday.

He said daily 150 people from Afghanistan side and 150 people from Pakistani side will be allowed to cross, adding that emergency patients will be allowed to cross round the clock.

He said a committee comprised of the border forces, police, border and tribal affairs department and intelligence department will check the national ID cards of passengers.

Baheer said in order to start transit and trade on this crossing, the construction of necessary buildings and facilities was monitored by the delegation from the center, according to which 1,040 acres of land was selected for it, and the construction work will start when the weather improves

Zabul Revenue Department Head Mawlavi Mohammad Hassan Hassan told Pajhwok Afghan News with the activation of custom department the Shalazo district will be economically developed.

He believed: “From the economic point of view, job opportunities will be provided to the residents of this province, trade will start with it, goods will become cheaper and the lives of our people will improve, and our income will also increase, which will increase the rank of the province.”

Local residents are thrilled over the opening of crossing on Durand Line and asked officials to provide transit and trade facilities as well.

Abdul Wali Khan, the resident of Shmalzo district, said the Badinai crossing officially opened for people and tens of people crossed the Durand line in to Pakistan.

He stressed custom related infrastructure should be constructed and traded should be started on this crossing.


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