Pajhwok Afghan News

Karzai meets UN delegates, insists on national discourse

KABUL (Pajhwok): Former president Hamid Karzai has insisted on immediate launch of a national discourse for permanent peace and stability in the country in his meeting with the UN deputy secretary general.

It has been said on a twitter page related to Karzai that the former president met Amina Mohammad, the deputy secretary general of the UN.

Both sides discussed the vital importance of education, the opening of doors of all educational centers of the country for girls and the return of all women to their jobs.

Karzai during this meeting said it was important to launch a national discourse as soon as possible for stability and peace in the country.

He also expressed his appreciation for the cooperation and humanitarian assistance of the United Nations and asked for the continuation of this cooperation.

A high-level delegation of the United Nations (UN) reached Kabul on Monday for talks with officials of the caretaker government on rights of women and girls.

The UN delegation includes deputy secretary general Amina Mohammad, executive secretary of UN Women Sima Bahous and Khaled Khiari, a senior official of the UN Department of Political Affairs and peace building.

Before arriving in Afghanistan, the delegation held talks in several countries in the region, the Gulf, Asia and Europe to discuss women’s and girls’ rights and sustainable development.



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