Pajhwok Afghan News

9,145 positive Covid-19 cases registered in past 4-month: MoPH

KABUL (Pajhwok): Over 9,140 positive Covid-19 cases have been registered in Afghanistan in the past four months out of which 76 people died and 7,989 recovered, according to the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) on Wednesday.

This comes that 12 million people in the country had been vaccinated against Covid-19 and the process was still ongoing.

According to the MoPH over 30,000 suspected Covid-19 incidents registered from September 22 till October 22 last year in which 3,895 were positive. During this period 23 people died while 2,623 patients recovered.

The source said over 24,000 suspected cases registered last year during October 22 – November 22 in which 2,903 were positive. During this period 11 Covid-19 patients died while 3145 recovered.

During the period of November 22 till December 22, 19,000 suspected cases registered in which 1,504 were positive cases out of which 15 patients died while 1,647 recovered.

The source showed during the period of December, 22, 2022 till January 22, 2023, 96,000 suspected Covid-19 cases had been registered in which 843 positive leaving 38 patients were died while 574 recovered.

According to the MoPH most Covid-19 cases registered in Herat (1137), Nangarhar(718), Ghazni (604) and Maidan Wardak (852) provinces and the lest Covid-19 cases registered in Baghlan (54), Samangan (59), Jawzjan (68) and Uruzgan (88) provinces.

In addition 412 cases registered in Kapesa province, 382 in Kunar, 374 in Zabul, 310 in Bamyan, 297 in Daikundi, 297 in Laghman, 297 in Paktika, 295 in Nimroz, 267 in Logar, 259 in Kabul, 243 in Panjshir, 206 in Ghazni, 604 in Farah, 219 in Takhar, 218 in Ghor, 218 in Kandahar, 202 in Kunduz, 194 in Parwan, 176 in Badakhshan, 148 in Sar-i-Pul, 144 in Paktia, 138 in Badghis, 115 in Balkh, 111 in Helmand, 99 in Khost and 94 in Nuristan.

Public Views on Covid-19 seasonal diseases

According to reports seasonal diseases such as cold, body pain and others had increased recently but people consider it a new wave of Covid-19.

Abdul Karim, the resident of capital Kabul, said: “It is possible that his seasonal disease is Covid-19 but people don’t give importance to it. In the past people afraid of Covid-19 pandemic but it doesn’t existed.”

Shafiullah, another resident of capital Kabul, said: “Flue and head pain comes in cold weather and it is possibly it is a Covid-19.”

But another resident Suhrab, said: “Covid-19 pandemic had eradicated in the country, there is the threat of flue but not Covid-19.”

Public Health Ministry Spokesperson Dr. Sharafat Zaman told Pajhwok Afghan News the number of positive Covid-19 cases was on the decline in the country over the past four months and the main reason behind this was the vaccination of 12 million people in the country against this virus.

He said some seasonal diseases existed during winter, Covid-19 cases also declined but the pandemic still existed and not over. He asked people to wear mask and implement all necessary measures against Covid-19.

Zaman said 15 special wards where Covid-19 patients are provided treatment were functional in capital Kabul, in addition Covid-19 sections were active in provincial hospitals.

He added individual who already got vaccinated will get supportive doses in the near future to increase their impunity against the virus.

He did not reveal but added that a huge number of Covid-19 vaccines existed in the country.

76 Covid-19 patients died in past 4 months

Most fatalities from Covid-19 virus inflicted on people in Faryab, Herat and Nangarhar provinces while the least fatalities occurred in Parwan, Jawzjan and Paktia provinces.

Deaths from Covid-19 occurred in 23 provinces of the country.

Fifteen people died from Covid-19 in Faryab in the past four months, 11 people in Herat, eight in Nangarhar, six people in Khost, four each in Kunduz, Balkh and Nuristan, three each in Maidan Wardak and Kunar, two each in Ghazni, Laghman, Kabul, Farah and Helmand provinces, and one each in Daikundi, Paktika, Panjshir, Takhar, Kandahar, Parwan, Paktia and Jawzjan provinces.

Incepted in Chinese city of Wuhan City in late 2019, Covid-19 virus spread all over the world.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) 208,452 Covid-19 positive cases had been registered in Afghanistan so far. The virus claimed 7,876 lives in Afghanistan until now.

Worldwide, 675 million positive Covid-19 cases had been registered so far while 7.6 million people had died from the virus.


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