Pajhwok Afghan News

Iran extradites 189 more prisoners to Afghanistan

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) says Iran handed over 189 more Afghan prisoners to local authorities in border town of Islam Qala in western Herat province under an agreement and following talks on Tuesday.

Hafiz Zia Ahmad Takal, MoFA deputy spokesman, tweeted that the prisoners were handed over to the Afghan government by Iran today.

Takal said the agreement on Afghan prisoners’ extradition came during an Afghan delegation’s visit to Tehran a few days back.

A ceremony in this regard in Herat was attended by Afghan ambassador in Tehran Maulvi Fazal Mohammad Haqqani, prisoners general director Mohammad Yousaf Mastari and Maulvi Sher Ahmad Amar, head of foreign affairs in Herat.

Mastari said Iran would hand over 1,900 Afghan prisoners to Afghanistan this week.


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