Pajhwok Afghan News

3 Britons detained in Afghanistan, reports BBC

KABUL (Pajhwok): Three British citizens working for a humanitarian organisation are being detained in Afghanistan, the BBC reported on Sunday.

The broadcaster quoted Presidium Network’s Scott Richards as confirming the arrests. The UK-based organisation supports communities in crisis.

No formal charges have been leveled against the trio yet, according to Richards, who believed two of the men were being held in connection with a weapon.

The weapon was found in a safe in the room of one detainee, he said, explaining it had been stored with a licence issued by the Ministry of Interior in Kabul.

“That license is missing … But we have taken several statements from witnesses who have seen the licence and affirm its existence,” Richards continued.

Meanwhile, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said it was working to reach the detained Britons and was also supporting their families.

PAN Monitor/mud

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