Pajhwok Afghan News

Thousands throng Balkh’s Sholgara district as temperatures rise

MAZAR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): As the temperature rises, the number of tourists visiting Khwaja Sikandar area of Sholgara district in northern Balkh province has recently increased manifold, local officials said on Sunday.

Forest greenery, waterfalls and Khwaja Sikandar shrine attract visitors from other provinces in great numbers to Sholgara district every day.

The number of sightseers thronging Khwaja Sikandar area has increased compared to the previous years, said Mohammad Khan Fateh, police chief of Sholgara district.

He said in the past, only a few hundreds of people would visit Khwaja Sikandar area on a daily basis, but now the number of visitors had increased to thousands.

He said trippers in great numbers flocked to the scenic spots especially on Fridays or any other holidays. “Up to six thousand visitors visit this area”, Fateh said.

The police official said satisfactory security situation in the country, especially in Sholgara district, was the reason more people fearlessly travel to the district.

Owners of restaurants are also happy over the increasing number of tourists.

Ismael Bai, a restaurant owner, said the number of his customers increased after the weather began to turn hot.

In addition to day, he even hosted customers for nights, he said.

The visitors are also happy to have such an entertainment place.

Aminullah, one of the visitors, told Pajhwok Afghan News he came from Faryab province for sightseeing for the first time. “I saw Khwaja Sikandar shrine and bathed in natural stream and enjoyed delicious food”.

Bai Nazar, another visitor who arrived in the area along with his friends from Baghlan province, said the area was literally worth seeing. “I ask the people to keep it clean”.

Matiur Rahman from Sar-i-Pul province, said it was his first time seeing the beautiful area. He was happy to cook food with his friends, swim and take memorable pictures.

Famous for rice growing, Sholgara district is 60 kilometers away from the provincial capital Mazar-i-Sharif city.


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