Pajhwok Afghan News

Opium production substantially dropped: Study

KABUL (Pajhwok): Ban on the poppy cultivation by the ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ (IEA) and measure taken by Pakistan to improve control on Durand Line resulted in an immediate substantial drop in opium production, according to a research study on Thursday.

The research said, since the fall of the Afghanistan Republic Government in August 2021, the Taliban regime has been trying to consolidate its hold on the country.

The initial assessment was that Pakistan achieved its longstanding goal to establish strategic depth in Afghanistan by putting the Taliban in Kabul. However, achieving strategic depth is proving to be elusive.

Increasing production of different psychoactive substances in the Af-Pak region indicates a presence of a robust network that continues to benefit from the narcotics trade.

The neighbouring countries like India, Iran, UAE and Central Asian Republics are trying to tackle this issue.

By pointing to investments in improved border controls and enacting new laws, Pakistan claims to have prioritised counter-narcotics and anti-money laundering. However, it is imperative to critically evaluate Pakistan’s role and map the shifting trajectories of narco trade emanating from the Af-Pak region.


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