Pajhwok Afghan News

EU waging undeclared war against migrants: Russia

KABUL (Pajhwok): Russian has accused the European Union of waging an undeclared war against migrants instead of helping them.

The Mediterranean Sea remains the most dangerous migration route with the highest mortality level. It is turning out as a deathtrap for many desperate souls, Russian Permanent Representative to UN Vasily Nebenzya told the Security Council.

The diplomat made the remarks at the UNSC briefing on the issue of migration in the Mediterranean, which convened on Russia’s initiative, TASS reported.

“There is one more question. What measures does the EU take to rescue people at sea within Operation IRINI, if, according to the report, the vast majority of migrants and refugees have been rescued or intercepted by other bodies and structures of which we know nothing?” he continued.

“Moreover, as we take it from the recently announced EU plan, there is an intention to strengthen and expand the scope of so-called naval operations in the Mediterranean, which journalists and human rights activists have already dubbed a “naval blockade.”

Nebenzya said. “The impression is that the EU is waging an undeclared war on migrants, who are dying because of the lack of safe alternative routes.”

Nebenzya cited a series of tragedies, which occurred near the coasts of Greece and Italy this year, saying dozens of people had lost their lives trying to get to Europe.

He claimed the deaths could have been averted if assistance to those in distress at sea had been provided in a timely manner.

At the same time, the European Union did not view the rescue of the individuals as a priority, the Russian diplomat alleged.



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