Pajhwok Afghan News

15 persons arrested with illegal weapons in Kapisa

MAHMOOD RAQI (Pajhwok): Fifteen people have been arrested for illegally keeping weapons in central Kapisa province during the past one and a half months, police said on Friday.

Kapisa police chief Muhammad Osman Turabi said they seized 17 weapons in different areas of the province and arrested 15 persons in connection with them.

The weapons included 13 Kalashnikovs, two rocket launchers, one 82mm cannon, two machineguns and various other weapons.

Turabi said the illegal weapons could have been used by the enemy to destabilize Kapisa and their confiscation would strengthen security.

Kapisa intelligence chief Mullah Sher Zaman Jihadi said no security problem existed in the province and the people were cooperating with security forces:  He said people used to inform security forces about the presence of arms and illegal gunmen and they took action.

Hundreds of illegal weapons have been seized in Kapisa during the past two years.


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