Pajhwok Afghan News

Transportation of returnees gains momentum

JALALABAD (Pajhwok): The transportation of refugees returning from Pakistan to their areas from the Torkham crossing has gained momentum, officials say.

Poor families are being transported free of charges and necessary steps have been taken to find houses for the returnees at low rent, according to local authorities.

Transpiration of returnees

The Nangarhar Information and Culture Department says Governor Mohammad Naeem Akhund has speeded up the process of transferring returnees from temporary camps in Torkham to their areas based on a special plan.

The department said under the plan, the families — after registration — would receive cash assistance before they were sent to their areas.

The decision to accelerate the process and create a special mechanism was made after the number of refugee families in the camps rose and the area’s settlement capacity decreased.

Support for poor families

The poor returnees, who are unable to pay the transportation fare, are taken to their areas for free.

At camps, officials, businesspeople, industrialists, charitable organisations, well-off people and other citizens provide food to the returning families.

Telecom, health services

Telecommunication antennas have been installed in Torkham, SIM cards are distributed to the families for free and they can communicate with their friends through mobile phones and the internet.

Also, special tents have been set up for men and women, where they are settled comfortably. Patients are treated free of cost, and urgent cases are transported to health centres by ambulances.

Food assistance

The refugees are provided with three meals daily. Water tankers, mobile toilets and long vehicles are available for the returnees.

In order to enforce order, traffic personnel have been deployed and to prevent environmental pollution and dust, water is sprinkled by tankers and garbage is collected in the area.

Officials travel to camps

The leaders of various agencies are coming from the capital to closely watch the situation of returning refugees.

Ambassador Shakib visits Torkham

Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan Sardar Ahmad Shakib met Nangarhar Governor Mohammad Naeem Akhund and said he had discussed the issue of assets of the returnees with Pakistani officials, who promised protection of refugees’ rights.

He acknowledged there had been a positive change in the attitude of officials towards Afghan refugees in Pakistan and they were trying to protect the rights of the citizens there.


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