Pajhwok Afghan News

Returning refugees in Kandahar camp say face unknown fate

KABUL (Pajhwok): Many Afghan refugees who have been deported from Pakistan and currently living in a camp near southern city of Kanadahar are worried about their unknown fate.

They say they own no land or house in the country while winter is approaching fast and weather is getting cold with each passing day.

Zabihullah, one of the returnees, who lives in the camp east of Kandahar city, says he has 14 members in his family and he cannot afford to rent a house.

He said: “We have been living here since a few days. I don’t have money to rent a house and I don’t have friends here. It’s winter. Our problems should be addressed.”

Children of the family also said they were happy to have returned to their own country from Pakistan and hoped they would be provided education and other basic facilities of life here.

Naqibullah, a child of the family, said: “I am happy in my homeland, I hope I will go to school.”

Like Zabihullah, the head of another family in the camp, Farid Ahmad, says he is facing an unknown fate and does not know what the future holds for him.

He added: “We live here, but we don’t know what our future will be. We have received some help, but the weather is cold and life will be difficult in winter.”

On the other hand, the Committee for Addressing Problems of Returning Refugees says that all families living in camps having no land or house in the country and those unable to pay house rent will be assisted.

Maulvi Ali Muhammad Haqmal, a member of the committee, says there is a plan to give land to returning Afghan families who do not have land or houses in the country.

“Families who are currently living in camps do not have land or houses will be provided all kinds of facilities. They will have their own houses and the authorities are considering to give them land.”

According to him, it is not yet known how much land will be given to these people and under what conditions, but each family will be given land in their respective provinces.

He did not provide information about how many families are currently living in camps in Kandahar.


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